Electromagnetic Ferro Filter (Slurry Separator)

Our electromagnetic ferro filter is used for the filtration of fine iron particles from a ceramic slurry/chemical or liquid slurry. This system is 100% automated and no manual intervention is required.

Electromagnetic ferro filter works in three different cycles:

  • Slurry Cycle:

In the slurry cycle, the electromagnetic foil will be energized to open the slurry valves. The pump will feed the slurry into the ferro filter tanks. The time for the slurry cycle can be decided as per requirement.

  • Air Cycle:

In the air cycle, the slurry return valves will open when the slurry feed valves are closed. Then the air valves at the top of the ferro filter tank will get open, which will feed air into the slurry tank, thus this slurry will be pressurised to be drained by the slurry return valves feed tank. Thus, there is no wastage of feed slurry during the separation process.

  • Wash Cycle:

When the air valve is closed, the slurry return valve also gets closed and the wash valves are opened. The magnet power supply is also switched off in this cycle. From the wash valve water will be released with pressure on the ferro filter cartridges which washes out the stuck magnetic content that gets drained out with water.

Our filter grids are magnetized by the electromagnetic field created by the surrounding coil. The coil is totally sealed to prevent any leakages.

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